Sunday, June 21, 2020

One Last Word or Karen's got your tongue

Yes, I did write Karen, we all know Karen and Ken and a hundred pseudonyms for annoying people we met along the way. Worlds full of them, heck we are probably a Karen to someone who didn't like it when we got annoyed at something or annoyed someone. There is nothing special about it, it wasn't invented recently.  We probably use a general term like "hey asshole you think you're something special!"

Hit that nail on the head. I recently watched a video of an articulate young woman who acted like she invented Karen, I would say she is a Karen acting in a superior way to denigrate someone she has no empathy with. Everyone needs to simmer down and cut the shit, after all the Karen's I do know are fairly reasonable people and some are actually nice. But honey lose the hair!

Back to tying flies!

Peace out

Brook trout matter support conservation and natural resources before it is too late
Sierra Club
ADK Mt Club
Stop fracking

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Words Part 3

I've learned some new words and phrases this past week. Okay, I already can hear the groans, words that I've heard misused and abused lately.

Word one is privilege, like it's something taken for granted not earned or bestowed upon. The first is as a noun, which I disagree with. It sounds like you don't have to do anything but belong.

                     A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular                    person or group."education is a right, not a privilege" 

A privilege is something you earn or acquire not by rights but through hard work. 
Or a verb
                   grant a privilege or privileges to.
                "English inheritance law privileged the eldest son"


                  the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. or
                the amount to which a person has a right
                the fact of having a right to something

Problems with semantics and use or misuse of words even if the definition has been changed or altered follows everyday life. Tweaking of news stories, delft editing of home made videos or bias creeps in. Not that I see anything inherently wrong with bias, how can we not be influenced by our experiences or outside influences. The real problem is perception and self entitlement, the anger middle aged woman who waited 30 minutes for her check at a restaurant being ridiculed in a video and called a name shows bias. You got to ask yourself one question, what would a reasonable person do. I know my patience wears thin when I am ignored  and have to wait any unreasonable amount to just pay and leave a tip. Maybe I don't make a scene, but I may never return. Define reasonable in an unreasonable time. Times do call for patience and understanding. 

So why do I bother? Because words are powerful and need to be used with caution. We have no right or privilege or entitlement to ruin someone's life. We do have an obligation to treat everyone fairly and as equals. 

We are going on a summer break, time to enjoy life and make more videos. See everyone in the fall, maybe!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Words part 2

Words are powerful, use them wisely! What do you see in this picture? Just what you see!

Green evergreen trees with blue skies, right? Or do you think you see more? Weeping cankers on stem, large dead branches, oh come on quit making stuff up!We all have a habit of seeing more into something than exist. That's the what people do, they expand on what they saw. Or what they think they saw. Witnesses are always not the best witnesses for this reason. 

Back to fishing, observing what's going on is more important than the rod, the line or the fly. Think about that one.

Monday, June 8, 2020


Not a political statement, just a fact of everyday life. 

Here are a few words being tossed around lately.  No particular order, just words! Definitions are expressed as nouns or verbs. Usage changes the meaning slightly. 

"Bias is disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief. In science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error. "

Preference In psychology, economics and philosophy, a preference is a technical term usually used in relation to choosing between alternatives. For example, someone prefers A over B if they would rather choose A than B. Preference can also be used in insolvency terms."

"Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior." The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value, and thus comprises the branch of philosophy called axiology."

Ambiguity "the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness."

Condescending: "having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority."

Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience"

Conscience: an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.The whole conscience thing was covered in my high school religion class, having a parochial education had its merits. Yes you can twist that inner voice and convince yourself right is wrong, up is down, blue is red. So here is one place where being honest with oneself is important. Here is where ethics and ethical behavior is born.

Words are powerful use them wisely!

In general terms in my former professional life, you would be ethically bound to certain parameters or standards. It would be normal to develop a bias based on prior experiences, for example; maples produce seedling that are unsightly and the branches easily break in the wind. After years of seeing damage from  maples, I would recommend their removal. Thus one could conclude all maples are bad? Mmm, really? Well my preference is to exam maples  more closely, so my bias doesn't turn into a prejudice. I would not behave in a condescending manner to any one how happened to disagree with my opinion about maples. Get the picture? You can show a bias as a preference to an alternative or differing dialogue or philosophy. 

Here is something else to consider, you can compromise your beliefs, but not your ethics! Confusing, you bet!

So what's the point? Before you post to social media or take a heavily cropped and edited video and try for your fifteen minutes of fame, you need to consider a few things.

  1. Is it the truth? Really!
  2. Will it harm others?
  3. Is it appropriate?
  4. Is the purpose to incite and antagonize others?
  5. Can it be done in another manner?
  6. Is it in poor taste?
Back to fishing and tying some neat flies, the world is a crazy place and you can't fix it by being angry just one day and one person at a time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I Got the BWO Blues

Get up early in the morning can't get my act together! Yes I get up in the morning and can't find my shoes. Coffee makers broke and so am I! Can't find my waders, flies and bamboo rod, cause I have the BWO blues!!

Just how many variations on the theme are there? Considering that every one gets a thorough going over by the fish. Some seem to pass inspection and the next day the same fly doesn't even get a look.

Brook trout matter, handle them with care. No choke holds, no digging around to save your fly. Use your net for pictures. Pinch barbs or go barbless!!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Looks like Another Brown Trout Day

Most folks will look out the window and immediately complain about the cloudy drizzly day ahead. I see BWO and caddis hatches with sporadic sulphurs. I can hear the trout happily slurping away as they greedily suck in those delicious flies. Yummy, yummy!! Now don't get the wrong idea, they just don't eat every fly that comes swing their wing past  them. They can be very particular what they want. They do have some memory of that hook from last time! Or more likely that sting they felt on that one bug that enticed them. Drakes are coming soon to a stream nearby!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Sent to the Corner and Put on the Dunce Cap

Okay I get it keep to fishing, fly tying, nature and environmental issues and avoid conflict. After writing ten thousand times "I will not post bull shit", I needed to be reminded that no one cares about my or anyone else's opinion. Take a breath, smile and say "cheerio" and walk away.

Now as promised the NO WAKE story!!!

Back in the previous century at the dawn of cell phones analog not digital lived a man who dreamed and worked in the future. My Dad was an electrical engineer and was part of the twentieth century's greatest achievements. Space, man flight, silicon chips, smart weapons a true cold warrior, a member of the military industrial complex.  Yes that stuff! The right stuff! 

Or we thought, he was a product of the depression, lost his father when he was twelve, almost died of rheumatic fever, went to school and got two degrees at night. He was protective to his younger brother and his Mom. A strong and stoic woman. He meet the german rocket scientist even the big guy old Werner, who he characterized as a Nazi plain and simple. He once told me the only thing worse than a Nazi were the Russians. He knew the enemy and at all times kept his mouth shut, secrets are meant to be kept. Most of all he was a devoted family man who sacrificed fame and fortune to keep his family safe and provided us with a comfortable life. He was married to my Mom for almost sixty years, Mom also knew how to keep a secret too and took most of them to the grave.  Most surprising one was that she assembled the famous nordon bombsight (loose lips sink ship) during the war.

He loved boating and every year we would go to the NY boat show and step onto every boat looking for the right one. Eventually bought a boat and a house on the water to go with it. He got involved with several boating groups and the local harbor watch. Boating and boat care consumed much of his retirement life. He had an orange whistle he wore around his neck (till the day he died) and bought a cell phone analog of course. He had a handheld marine radio to monitor the weather or call the coast guard, harbor police and the like. He programmed all the important numbers into his phone, then would do a phone check to make sure they actually worked. All hours of the night too, the battery must have died! Funny an engineer not trusting the technology, must have known something about not trusting products from China.

We build a floating dock to facilitate the boating and thats where the trouble began. Besides the twice annual ritual of putting the dock in and pulling it out for the season, usually bribed with one of my mothers Sunday dinner specials. He became obsessed with the wakes people powering through the harbor were making. He would see a boat push white water a mad sprint to the floating dock, an air horn blast and whistle sounded, followed by NO WAKE at the top of his lungs. We all would cringe at the spectacle. The moment of real infamy occurred several years later  in the mall. I spotted him in the crowd and my son and I tried to duck away, but....... that damn whistle!!! 

On his passing I tucked the whistle in his breast pocket at his wake and told my Mom if she didn't behave herself she would spend eternity with her matching whistle!! Never had a problem again. When I pass the church yard on occasion I do hear a faint whistle and I chuckle and reply with NO WAKE!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020


The news is always dominated by conflicts. Yesterday a gal walking her dog turned into a "racial" incident because she felt threatened by some guy screaming at her. It quickly escalated into viral video as the gal tried to call 911. Use your head, the best way is to not engage and walk away. Everything doesn't require enforcement of every rule. The man seemed ready to video his angry confrontation after he instigated and baited her into a response. There is always two sides to a story, but the referee only catches the reaction.  People it is now a video ready Instagram world out there, don't get baited into someone's trap for their self gratification. If someone needs Instagram likes to validate their existence don't become the subject. Walk away, and by the way keep the dog on its leash.

Conflict two: kayakers and fisherman, seems like both think they own the river and delight in annoying each other. Follow the rules, the Park is open Thursday to Sunday between 9AM to 3PM for kayakers and canoeist. Put in is above the LIE off Yaphank Ave by Lower Lake. The flow runs north to south and that is the general direction one should paddle in. In shallow stretches, wade and pull your boat as not to disturb the river bottom and plant and animal life. Using your paddles as shovels is bad for the environment. Remember  that voices travel and not everyone needs their quiet and solitude disturbed by rowdy hooligans. Share the river and share the experience. Limit  the number of boats in your party to enhance the experience. When encountering fisherman, remember they paid a fee to fish and ask before paddling through a pool. Drift quietly as possible through.
Never paddle upstream, litter or use profanity, some users are there with small children and they don't need to hear your ignorance. Report to Park police any bad activity, they are trained your not. Avoid conflicts and enjoy the river.

Now this guy knows how to get the most out of his experience on the water. Photographed in the Adirondacks a place more suitable for both activities. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ivan's Tree

Along the shores of the Carmans River, grow Red maples some have been there for hundreds of years. They bend and twist reaching for the sun and occasionally break off huge branches only to sprout again. The buttress roots and old root flares are evident of this. How many anglers passed by without noticing and how many fish have used their shade to hide under?

One such tree is named after an old colleague of mine, we had worked as arborist together many years ago. Pruning trees in the cold winter sun, sharing a story or two and eating a quiet lunch, a respite from the work of the day. Now Ivan is gone, he lived a good life, a kind man. I do miss him.

The other day while fishing a new member (to remain nameless) casually said he fished under Ivan's tree.  I surprised by the remark, asked him "do you even know who that is?" he remarked "some old member!" Well you ignorant fool I thought, and responded that "he was a friend mine"! Ivan once confided in me that he was mildly embarrassed by the tree name. That sums up Ivan!

So yesterday, the same guy was pained by my appearance and tried to ignore me as I fished HIS pool. After all he had been there for at least three maybe four hours. He tried and tried to cast to rising fish, but he was always short of or pulled his fly away, creating a wake. Tommy, you all know Tommy (yeah that annoying guy), well he was busy catching fish and on top. You see Tommy is one of those guys no fancy equipment but can exhibit patience and can catch fish. I have a new respect for Tommy and sure he talks too much and mostly out of his hat. But I have to admit there is something pure about his abilities. Now if he would only shut up. The annoyed one grew tired and left for parts unknown.

As soon as he left, Art caught a few fish and had a beautiful take on an olive pattern. The brown just pushed his nose above the water and let the fly drift seamlessly in. If only I had it on video it was a classic.

A word about etiquette, most times you should give anglers space, however in a small stream like the carmans it's tough. Staying and staking out a pool for hours is not being a good sportsman. After all how many fish do you need to catch? I divide the river into two parts: easy spots, plenty of stocked fish,  place to practice casting or techniques. Hard spots a place to catch those challenging fish using seldom used techniques. Fish hiding under banks, bushes and grass.  I prefer the hard to catch fish over new stockies. You do need to challenge yourself to become a better angler.

Doug told me recently that he had seen enough of these new guys who only nymph fish don't really know how to fish. "Two split shot is the difference" he likes to say. Doug always the patient man, is always giving pointers to newbies and old timers alike. Doug like me is in that stage of fly fishing where you just enjoy.

Ivan Frank
Arborist, fly tyer, angler and gentleman

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Finding Out the Truth

Well no one is really going to fess up? So the lying continues, let's just stick to fishing and tying some great flies. My favorite (now) is the english pheasant tail, real simple and fished correctly (depth and drift) is a fish catcher. Trout are basically lazy, they are not going to look up or down unless something looks like food. Caddis larvae, nymphs and other bugs are usually  bland small creatures. some swim, some tumble with the current and some cling until they are ready to hatch. Check the water, what do you see? nothing? Then you don't know what you're looking for. Take the time to look under rocks, check your boots after fishing for clues to type, size and color. Spot where the fish are, are they active or passive. Learn patience, then be patient!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Biological Warfare

Look around, smell the air, close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. Sense it, see it, smell it hear it, feel it? A change is in the air! The upside of the current problems is that nature is making a come back, the skies are clearing, the pollution no longer clouds our vision. A month and a half thats all it took. We can let nature heal itself ; just stopping ourselves. If we were all disappeared tomorrow the earth wouldn't even notice. That's how important we are. So why is it so difficult?

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Risky Business!

Listen up or put your reading glasses on and heed the warning! This is not a joke and constant news of a few really stupid people who think this is a joke will turn this troubling time into a real tragedy.
There are three type of people in this world: dumb, dumber and dumbest! Most of us are just dumb, don't be insulted we just live on cruise control, living our lives not making waves, obeying the rules and the dumb part is believing that everyone's is just like us. Got news for you, they're not! Can't really explain why they fall into the other two categories. They maybe lack reasoning skills, exhibit poor judgement and don't think rules pertain to them. They will get you into trouble every time. Listen close, you can't fix stupid, so stop trying and let natural selection take care of them. sooner or later they will wrap a car around a pole, or overdose, or get a bad disease. Natural selection at its best. So for now, keep following the rules, keep your head down and avoid them.

End of social commentary!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lord of the Flies

Social distancing for an old curmudgeon like me is not too difficult. Funny how the rush of opening day, with all the anticipated notions of catching cloned hatchery trout, thins out once the fish become wary of all the hooks cast their way. In the clear thin water they sit smugly moving only to allow some garish presentation hurtle through their collective masses. They have won for now, focusing on what real food is and what isn't. A passing angler remarks ( at a distance of course), "I haven't seen any fish". Of course you haven't you scattered them in all your plodding! any how, striper season is now open, they left searching for some new dumb fish to catch.

Art likes the quiet and can concentrate on the waters, lost in my thought I ponder the caddis "are they really tan? No they are slightly darker and the green of the abdomen is not as garish as the pack of dubbing. Far more muted in reality. The BWO coming off, small but the wings are longer than mine in my box. Take note make the wings longer and use darker CDC. Instead of blindly casting away, I now selectively cast to fish I mark. Taking my time working on presentation, slow, slow, slow, mend , mend, mend now lift the rod tip..... FISH ON!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bobbing for Apple or Apple Dunkin' and not a Donut

Art's been a busy guy lately, with all the fishing, videoing and Youtube. So busy that he's ben playing fast and loose with his equipment.  So loose that I recently went bobbing for my iPhone, yes I dropped it in the river. More comical than tragic though, you see my iPhone is water resistant to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes. Do I trust the engineers at Apple, not quite! So I plunged hands  into the river up to my armpits and found my iPhone. I also found out that once you get the top of your waders below the water line, they are no longer waterproof. The phone worked and only my pride was injured as I  drove home soaking wet (thank you Jeep for those heated seats), only to be greeted by Mrs. Art who said " what did you do pee your pants". Humiliation again!!

Here's a fly that's been working, A BWO sipper size 18, this one is a little overdressed, but the fish didn't seem to mind.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Day number 35, stay at home or find an isolated river nearby.

Art's been playing safe, keeping everyone out of casting distance at all times. As predicted #5 has been a hot spot for bunching up and seems the abundance of fish have caused this. I spoke to the head trout and told him to disperse immediately as he is putting himself and anglers at risk.


He had no reply as I released him and rapidly swam off. Heading to #9 no doubt. 

Moral of the story " keep your mouth shut and you won't get caught"!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

It was the night before opening day...

And all through the house fisher persons were busy arranging their gear. Me in my vest and Ma in her kerchief just laid out our head  for an early spring nap. When all suddenly arose at the crack of dawn, an army of guys rushing to the river to be first at the wing dam at E. Sleeping with your waders on, poles strung up in the cars, they drove like maniacs to be first at the recent stocked trout.

With apologies to Clement Moore, my view of the opening day scramble. Some of you will try to set records for the number of stocked fish, certainly no large or hardest fish yet. Please handle the resource carefully; pinch down the barbs, use care handling the fish, if possible don't handle them, give up the pool after catching a reasonable amount and remember social distancing at least casting distance between anglers.

Permits are only being sold online, if you already have an account, season only, no daily yet. In my opinion this should have been done a long time ago, finally the park has entered the digital age. Good luck and play nice...

Monday, March 30, 2020

Art's latest video on Youtube

Age of Social Distancing or What any Flyfisher Normally Does!

Odd as it seems most of us are expert at social distancing, after all who wants to share a pool with another angler! Speaking of sharing, Art has finally put up another video on Youtube type in search AFTU Friends to view.

As many know Art is a stickler for details, such as silt and sediment used when what you are really seeing in the water is composted organic matter suspended in that water. Those other terms refer to the mineral content of soils. I also for the life of me can't understand why someone says rip out those dams and as soon as the authorities try to reduce the water they scream stop you're silting up the water! Again composted organic matter, not soil (yet). Or better yet on the those really hot summer afternoons when ponds and lake surface temps are up they scream "rip out these dams they're heating up the water".  Water is a poor conductor of heat, those of you who have pools know what I am talking about. Yet downstream the water is really cool and the trout seem happy.

What I offer is simply this be part of the solution not the problem!  Those of you who think they are being defenders of the waters and only like to threaten the authorities  and pump up their egos need to step back and provide real solutions! You can't say in one breath those dams are heating the water and the next stop you're violating the clean water act. Want to be a leader then step up, show leadership by offering solutions, work in harmony with the authorities and show the community that you care about their opinions.