Sunday, August 22, 2021

Driving that Long and Winding Road

 Serendipity, usually a happy thing that happens unexpectedly. I for the life of me cannot figure the word for unexpected BS that happens along the way. To fill everyone in, Art's wife decided that she needed warmer climates and dragged Art kicking and streaming still wearing his waders, fly rod in hand down south. Art being the sport he has always been, complied meekly. So we packed up our stuff a la Beverley Hillbillies and drove down to what I now call "Long Island South". Yes if you could believe it, more traffic cars, red lights, multi lane highways and no trout. 

First impressions are the best, I can say that I never seen so many fat people, poor drivers, and general ignorance in one place. The rich are very rich and the poor are very poor. Most live behind gates and keypads. While wandering down here I inadvertently stopped in Georgia, in a town to remain anonymous, to find a place to lay my head down for some sleep. Let me tell you when the desk clerk is wearing a gun, turn around and beat feet asap. Both places we stopped I thought we were about to be murdered and our petty belonging stolen. So being a sensible man, I high tailed it out of there and found myself a Crowne Plaza (no Marriott that would shelter my dogs). Nice to be in a hotel were I was greeted as a returning guest, not fresh prey.

So Art will have to figure out where to use his fly rod and where he can find some new fishing pals to tie flies with on those cold winter days. Oops, no more cold winter days! I do miss my friends and the times we had spent on the river will always be with me. Remember this nothing last forever, things will change and I will be back.

Tight lines till then!