Monday, January 7, 2019

Super, superior, superlative and other grandiose terms, ideas and thoughts?

When is adequate not merely adequate, but super-adequate? Can someone be competent or must we all be super competent!  We have entered the age of superlatives, qualifications, accreditations and certifications rule the day. Like hamsters  on that wheel, going round and round. Chasing that carrot that is on the stick, just out of reach, but so temptingly close! Can't just have a fly rod and a box of flies, everything is specialized. Time for a reality check! look at the archer and his quiver full of arrows, all the arrows are the same. Just enough to do the job. Fly fishing is not like golf, you don't need a bag full of clubs, just a box full of flies.  Okay, maybe the latest version of that hot fly makes you feel better. I asked a fellow tier last week, what color was that nymph that he last saw on his boots. "Kind of dark and not very full" came the answer. Simple, simple, simple!

Happy New Years!

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