Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer of Boredom

So after a protracted spring and winter I stand at the edge of summer wondering what to do? Plan a trip, buy a new car, stay put and take some time off and get stuff done around the house and yard? Fish the Carmens again! Catching nine inch rainbow and six inch brook trout gets old quick, so what to do. we had a meeting a couple of weeks (maybe it was days) and the topic was those damn brown trout and how rainbow trout were a great return on investment and how glorious it is to catch those endangered six inch brookies. So I went out with renewed spirit and caught a few, didn't feel anything like those damn brown trout at all. So I asked the last brown I caught for her opinion on brook trout she said " mmm fried in a little butter delicious".

Starting to question catch and release are we helping or hurting? Thinning the stock and de-stressing the limited resources may actually help grow larger fish. With around ninety fish per acre, thats about 100 per mile if you believe the data is anywhere correct and I don't think they are even close. Thats a pitiful number of fish compared to other places around the country that I fished. 1500 per mile up in south west Wisconsin between Black Earth creek and Mt. Vernon creek two of the best I ever fished in. So why are the totals so low? No one knows and it seems that no one is interested in figuring out the why's and how's. 

My take is this, too little cover, river depth is too low to support, flow is being strangled by the dams, no vegetation, too much algae, too much silt, my list can go on. When I was a kid the DEC stocking list had Brook, Brown and Rainbows in much larger quantities. Less stress from septic systems fewer houses, runoff without chemicals from lawns, no fish ladder bring predators from the sea.    When I first fished this river 25 or 30 years ago, I always caught nice size fish now 12 incher is a bragger. 

Time for a trip up to my other home waters in the Adirondacks and catch some fish hopefully the same silliness about return on investment does come up again. Maybe a couple of brook trout in the frying pan will do me some good.

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