Sunday, November 10, 2024

Anger Never Makes the Best Sauce or How and Why things happen?

 Old Sicilian saying or at least attributed to: " revenge is best served cold". Funny saying, but not true, in MHO. Lashing out at people or things that we have no control over, blaming others for our own mistakes, misjudgments and biases is really counter productive. 

Fact we all think we are the most knowledgeable, skillful and extremely correct in every thing around us. Fact is most of us haven't spent the time on any particular item, issue or discipline to even have a tiny insight. We are incredibly lazy in this regard. Complacent is a good word for it. 

For example we are just coming out of a period of inflation and increased interest rates. Notice I didn't use the word or words like high or higher, I have lived through much higher and more troubling times. Experience and studying the past tells me this is a reaction when the good times aren't so great. Oops, didn't mean that better to say fabulous became ordinary. Years ago as I left college and got out into the work force, I made almost nothing. To me home ownership was a dream out of reach, interest rates weren't  7% they were 18% and inflation was at historic highs. Our appointed president took to wearing a button that had WIN on it whip inflation now. His press secretary turned it upside down to read NIM no immediate miracles. Ford was blown out of office by another man who couldn't quite solve the problem and was also blown out of office. Morale is everything changes, make no promises you can't keep. Things out of your control, aren't yours to change. 

So what can we all control, our habits and judgements. Our beliefs and our ethics (not the same). Read A Sand County Almanac for some helpful ideas and quotes. Do random acts of kindness, pick up the stray piece of litter, hold a door open for someone, smile more, complain less, greet strangers with a hello. 


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