Native, invasive, foreign, migratory, or trash! Fish, oh your first thought was people. Shame! Things are never what they appear to be, nature abhors a vacuum. So given the choice or given to chance mistakes will happen.
First mistake; thinking you're in control and by a battle of wills you will win! Second mistake; prejudging without thinking. Just because someone says it is so doesn't make it so. Third mistake; things will always be like this. Evolution is simple process and guess what you don't have a say in it. Fourth mistake; you're an expert at everything. Because you think no one else is capable or good enough. Really! Fifth mistake; trying to prevent someone else from making a mistake. Then beating them over the head with constant reminders of the perceived flaw. Degrading at best, defeating at worst. Sixth mistake; gossiping! My mom use say, if you can't say anything good, shut up. I could go on and fill a book with this.
In closing, fish and people are the same. >>((()))):>
Tight lines
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