Sunday, February 18, 2024


 We use to joke about tying a real bug on our hooks, I recently watched a YouTube video where that was exactly done. Loch Corrib is an excellent brown trout water.  Hatches run thru out the season, February to September. 

Loch Corrib is a huge lake, very windy and while some calm areas can be found, most fly fishing is drifting in wooden boats. Long lines cast up wind and the wind skips the flys along in the water column. Using live bait or bugs attached to thin Dacron lines using 15 foot rods to keep the line completely off the water as natural would appear to the trout. Fishermen buy the bugs from local children that catch daddy long legs, grasshoppers and dun mayflies. 

The naturals found in Loch Corrib are larger than we are use to, size 10 most common. The nymphs are tied with pronounced gills and fluffy tails, most dries are palmered hackle with exaggerate wings. This is to show the fish movement of flies trying to dry their wings and escape the water.

At closing, they showed a group of anglers taking their tea (with a healthy shot of Jamesons added), enjoying a bit to eat and sharing tales of the mornings fishing. It's a big lake so no pretending about secret spots or what flies were working best. 

There is a series of videos about Ireland fly fishing

Corrib season Autumn

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Red, White, Blue and Brown, Green and Speckled

 Native, invasive, foreign, migratory, or trash! Fish, oh your first thought was people. Shame! Things are never what they appear to be, nature abhors a vacuum. So given the choice or given to chance mistakes will happen. 

First mistake; thinking you're in control and by a battle of wills you will win! Second mistake; prejudging without thinking. Just because someone says it is so doesn't make it so. Third mistake; things will always be like this. Evolution is simple process and guess what you don't have a say in it. Fourth mistake; you're an expert at everything. Because you think no one else is capable or good enough. Really! Fifth mistake; trying to prevent someone else from making a mistake. Then beating them over the head with constant reminders of the perceived flaw. Degrading at best, defeating at worst. Sixth mistake; gossiping! My mom use say, if you can't say anything good, shut up. I could go on and fill a book with this.

In closing, fish and people are the same. >>((()))):>

Tight lines
