Tuesday, June 27, 2023

We Are Doomed !

According to some scientist, the earth axis is shifting due to the extraction of ground water. Sounds odd at first, but correlations must be made to explain an event in the natural world. This is one I have to question, and further investigation is required before I start nailing everything down.

Think about it, most water is locked up in glaciers, oceans and deep lakes, while a small percentage is in ground water. Doesn't water naturally recycle, come on don't think that hard! You would think that all that oil that's pumped out of the ground and according to experts in the seventies should have ran out like last week, would have a similar effect. 

Before everyone loses their collective cool, global climate change and the heating of the atmosphere is real.  Droughts, torrential rains and wild weather swings are in our future and the past. So hold on and fasten your seat belt.

I remember reading a study a few years ago about the polar axis shifting. It turns out that this occurs every few hundreds of thousands of years. So the headlines written to catch our attention is just that a technique to read that story. Most scientific studies are usually peer reviewed for content and accuracy of the techniques to reach a conclusion. Some are theoretical in nature and others are flawed and disproven by additional studies. I could rain the 24 hour news cycle and the search for news, but that's for another day. In the meantime, conserve the waters. 

Tight lines,,


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