Painfully obvious that whatever fish were stocked in the last few weeks have vanished! Aside from alien abduction I am at a lose for an explanation. I did observe a few bait guys with big coolers but I doubt they have carried off 1000 + fish. Nor do I believe that those three osprey ate them all, their bellies would be dragging. Did those alewives tempt the trout into following them out to sea? Possible, then there should be a hell of a sea run next year! Or did the fish ladder allow some larger predators access to the river, maybe!
The bottom line is very poor early action. Aside from some anemic brook trout the prognosis seems poor. Did we tinker with this ecosystem too much considering the dredging of upper lake ( originally only eradication of the camboa). On a brighter note the bugs are back. Maybe this is just an anomaly and maybe rainbows are not the best fish to put in and expect to hold over.
Bashing browns now appears to mean less fish. And I know this is sacroligious but my opinion is that the brookie's present are marginally hold on and any type of environmental pressure will cause the population ( which I believe is dramatically smaller) to crash.
So we will see what happens now, suddenly those ponds look better and the stripers should be nice targets in a few weeks. A few more weeks Adirondacks ponds should be full of cooperative trout, the west branch (pick one) ready for my fly!
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