Tuesday, November 7, 2023


As we get older, most tend to look inward and backward, asking what if? What if what, shoulda coulda woulda? Mistakes along the way are magnified into life changing events and over exaggerted into something they weren't!Things happen for a reason and while little stuff can become bigger issues, most self correct and overtime they become insignificant. 

 That's the greatest thing about fly fishing, you can change your fly constantly, because no fish seems to like them. But, once you get it and by it, I mean trusting the fly or anything else in life seems easier. For those who struggle, fishing isn't about catching and once you get it, it becomes easier. 

Accepting the future and not being adverse to change is another trait everyone should adopt. Climate change is here, accept it, we all will survive. Some species will not and that is based on their ability to move and adopt to a new range. Even trees have this ability, wait trees can move? Species migration is real, trees are extending thier northern range as their southern range becomes uninhabitable.