I've learned some new words and phrases this past week. Okay, I already can hear the groans, words that I've heard misused and abused lately.
Word one is
privilege, like it's something taken for granted not earned or bestowed upon. The first is as a noun, which I disagree with. It sounds like you don't have to do anything but belong.
A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group."education is a right, not a privilege"
A privilege is something you earn or acquire not by rights but through hard work.
Or a verb
grant a privilege or privileges to.
"English inheritance law privileged the eldest son"
the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. or
the amount to which a person has a right
the fact of having a right to something
Problems with semantics and use or misuse of words even if the definition has been changed or altered follows everyday life. Tweaking of news stories, delft editing of home made videos or bias creeps in. Not that I see anything inherently wrong with bias, how can we not be influenced by our experiences or outside influences. The real problem is perception and self entitlement, the anger middle aged woman who waited 30 minutes for her check at a restaurant being ridiculed in a video and called a name shows bias. You got to ask yourself one question, what would a reasonable person do. I know my patience wears thin when I am ignored and have to wait any unreasonable amount to just pay and leave a tip. Maybe I don't make a scene, but I may never return. Define reasonable in an unreasonable time. Times do call for patience and understanding.
So why do I bother? Because words are powerful and need to be used with caution. We have no right or privilege or entitlement to ruin someone's life. We do have an obligation to treat everyone fairly and as equals.
We are going on a summer break, time to enjoy life and make more videos. See everyone in the fall, maybe!